Review 2263

Every once in a while, while traveling the blog world, I come across a title I wish I could steal and plaster onto my own site. ‘Neurotic Oasis’ is one of those ingenious titles. The site sums up a refreshing and revealing idea – that we’re all crazy. However, the more significant meaning of the title is that the author might be crazy, but in a crazy world, she’s just like any other. As she says, “Since when did neurotic become a bad thing?” Ironically, her clever naming of her blog sets her apart from the other 999 million blogs out there.

When you load up Neurotic Oasis in your browser, you’re presented with a nice, clean design. There aren’t any clashing colors or outrageously large pictures. I found the site easy on the eyes and simple to navigate. There’s the usual ‘archives’ on the navigation section, but I also found two pleasant surprises : a picture of the author (which is often forgotten, despite the fact that it allows the reader to become more personal with the blogger by putting a face to the words) and something called a ’24-hour autobiography’. The ’24-hour autobiography’ is precisely what it says – an hour by hour description of what happened to the author on a specific day. I found it a unique touch to the author’s blog.

As far as the author’s entries, they fall under the same category that the rest of the site gets -unique. I appreciated the author’s candor and fresh writing. She often tells us what’s going on in her life through stories, which are descriptive and revealing. Her writing also spans a large range of emotions – serious to on-the-floor laughing. For example, I couldn’t stop chuckling when I read her March 2, 2003 entry. But I won’t breathe a word. Go make a visit and I’m sure you’ll enjoy browsing through the author’s “neurotic oasis”.

Neurotic Oasis