Review 2211

Brandon, the author and creator of The Chirish Website, is a high school senior, and a self-admitted computer geek. A lot of his posts deal with high school life or that “geeky coding stuff” he seems to enjoy so much. Posting what you like or what you enjoy is usually what defines a weblog, and it does just that.

In all honesty, there were many entries I read where I had absolutely no idea what was going on or who was being talked about. However, I’m sure that the people Brandon addresses in these posts know exactly what’s happening. It’s just one of those very personal weblogs where you might actually have to know the author to “get it”.

This is a relatively new weblog to join the ranks of the thousands and thousands out there. Brandon’s only been keeping this weblog since mid-December 2002, but he’s already put a lot of evident hard work and time into the site, both the programming behind it as well as always adding more and more sections to peruse while visiting the site.

The site design is extremely functional and very easy to use/navigate. The different shades of blue all look pleasant together. It’s simple to tell what may be a link and what’s not and there’s not much to try and question when looking at the design. It’s very straight forward and works great for Brandon’s weblog and the rest of the sections of his site.

These sections are also a great addition to the site and definitely worth checking out while you’re there. The games portion of it literally kept me occupied for hours. All I needed was more things to keep me planted in front of the computer and the links Brandon has available to online games definitely did just that.

The Chirish Website is definitely one that focuses solely around Brandon’s personal life. While the biggest part of the site deals with what’s going on in his life on a daily basis, by following it for a while you begin to feel like you quite possibly fit right in to his daily routine. I would suggest checking this site out just to see if Brandon’s the kind of guy you’d like to keep tabs on from day to day.