Review 2181

A standard Blogger template was the first thing I noticed at Toast and Coffee. Standard templates always give me the first impression that a weblog’s going to be nothing but just that – standard. Toast and Coffee? Not so standard.

Claire’s logic behind putting an outside link in each of her entries is probably the best one I’ve ever seen: “That way, even if *I* don’t have anything to say, I could at least make a link to somewhere where someone *does* have something to say.” I can’t think of a better way to justify doing that!

Fashion, travel, music, plans for future technological advances – what can’t you find to read about with your “Toast and Coffee” every morning? Claire can entertain you quite well, and surely keep your attention with this clever weblog that’s genuinely about her life. From descriptions of the environment surrounding the author to little quips about warning labels on health care products, Claire kept my attention through the entire five months this weblog has been in existence.

The aforementioned layout, while just a regular template, is one of the better ones that can be chosen from. Like many other standard templates, it works well with the site. Colors, navigation, read-ability – it all works well together.

Of course, I would have loved to found an “about” section where I could have learned more about Claire. I found our author to be quite the entertaining individual and would have enjoyed reading what that natural flair for entertainment can be attributed to.

I would visit the site again just to see what else Claire is up to, or what else is being posted from the current “reception area” that’s being used as some office space right now. I’d highly suggest dropping by and hanging around for a few days – to the weblog, not necessarily Claire’s new apartment. I have a really good feeling you’ll like it there.

Toast and Coffee