Review 2156

First things first here – with the title of “Simultaneous Talk & Puke”, I had no idea what to possibly expect. The site began to load, and I was oddly impressed by the graphic that’s used as the top banner. The banner welcomes readers to the site by giving us a bit of info about Joe. In his own words, “Joe is a loser who wants to write comics some day, and hopes that day is tomorrow”. Fun! Now we know about Joe.

The layout is really nice and simple. Joe uses a yellowish color that could almost be defined as the color of puke, depending on what was just eaten the night before. The banner image is the only thing on the site, other than text. And the only text you find on the site is just the weblog.

Joe is obviously a comic book fan. He desires of making that his career, as well as the numerous posts that cover comic information pretty much lay that out for the reader to see. We get updated from time to time on what’s going on in Joe’s personal life, but it’s never really anything that can make you feel connected or make you feel like you need to come back for more. It’s just a typical weblog.

Due to only a month’s worth of archives, the highest score Simultaneous Talk & Puke can achieve is a 2.0. And I couldn’t give a site anything more than a 2.0 when there’s a misspelled word in the title of it.

Simultaneous Talk & Puke