Review 2149

This is the complete site. There’s the weblog, which is quite mandatory for submitting your site to The Weblog Review, and you can learn even more about Kim through her “about” section, her writings, and the different photos she has displayed through her site.

It seems as if it’s been just recently that Kim’s acquired the domain name she now uses ( This site just struck me as a place that needed its own domain name. With the attitude and self-admission of being a “heartless bitch with no conscience”, you don’t get the feeling that she should be anything but her own individual place out there on the World Wide Web.

Ah, the writing – the entire reason behind why I visited this site. What goes on at A little bit of everything. Kim’s in school and is an aspiring writer/poet/filmmaker. We definitely get a wonderful taste of the writing portion of that through the weblog. She covers things from her family life to current events to shopping to the current state that the music industry is in. And the best part is that it’s all done with wonderful sentence structure and all that good jazz. The writing here makes me laugh at times, and also makes me think at times. It’s a great variety of writing that makes this weblog stand out.

Is God gay? Kim’s got quite the convincing stance on this. While it may sound a bit silly, she’s got some very valid points here!

Design-wise, I’ve never been a big fan of a site that uses this type of format. There’s a splash page that includes all of the author’s cliques and rings which she belongs to, and then when you click on the “enter” graphic, another window pops up containing everything in the site. Kim, the author, does use some really bright and cheery artwork, however, which offset the format of the site enough to make me forget about it after a while. Even though the site is done with a bright orange background, it’s still not too hard to look at while reading through the weblog.

Overall, I liked this site a lot. I liked reading what Kim had to say, and didn’t ever get the impression that she was just typing away to see herself throw words up on a screen. Sometimes the writing didn’t pertain to me at all, and I had no idea what or who she was talking about, but that’s just something that happens with weblogs. I had a feeling of connection and of genuine interest in this weblog, and would definitely recommend it to anyone.
