Review 2096

With a name like saucyspot I wasn’t sure what I was going to get into. It could be a number of different things, most of which I left to the imagination.

What I found was a pretty standard blog. The color scheme was original (whites, blacks, grays, and oranges) however it seems to be the start of the new fad in colors. The layout is your standard two column layout with the content being on the left side and navigation on the right. While looking at the content in the columns, I noticed that the site was valid xhtml and css as per w3 and then it hit me; this site looked like all the other sites that validate their code through the w3. Don’t get me wrong, I think valid code is great, but why do most of these sites look alike?

The weblog itself is nothing new. It is your same old stuff of posting random things that are thought of. The writing is of good quality with no spelling or grammatical errors that I noticed. I was hoping for something to strike me as a must read entry, but like the design of the site, I found it reading much like a lot of weblogs today.

So after looking over the weblog for some golden nugget, I went to the about page. Of course, the about page lead me to a FAQ page, which was a little confusing. Of course, when I went to the FAQ page, it read more like an about page.

Over all you have a fairly standard and average weblog. I am sure that it will just jump right out and scream read me to some people, while others will not be interested. I recommend at least taking a look at it to see if it is a weblog of interest for you.