Review 2064

Call me a crazy nostalgic person, but I was instantly interested when I saw Storm Troopers in the design for Imperial Doughnut . It sort of reminded me of the U.S.A. Today of blogs – full of color and an easy to read format. I could only hope that it wasn’t dumbed down for public consumption though.

The writer of Imperial Doughnut is Michael, a British student who claims to be “mostly harmless.” Michael has a great writing style – you get the feeling that if the two of you went out for a pint at the pub that you’d be blowing beer out your nose from laughing so hard. I’m sure I don’t know anyone else that could bring the varied styles of Princess Leia’s hair into a discussion about his own hair phobia.

Imperial Doughnut has a great, very simple design. What’s better is that it’s so easy to navigate – archives are in a drop down. There’s an excellent “About Me” page that not only gives us the basics, but also more information than we could ever even want to know! The only thing I can complain about is that the design is not uniform thoughout the blog.

I recommend giving Imperial Doughnut a read!
imperial doughnut