Review 2058

As blogs that fall into the “Teen” category go, Neurotica isn’t bad, but there isn’t much that makes it stand out either.

Poetry, personality quiz results and internet conversations are littered throughout the blog to add some spice, albeit spice used by many other teen blogs. Neurotica is saved from being mundane by blog owner Abby’s writing. Abby’s words and comments tell about herself just nicely. But then there is no basic information about the blogger anywhere on the site, which makes it harder to conjure up an image of a real person writing about a real life. It also takes a little reading of both blog entries and comments to figure out relationship between names.

The web design of neurotica is simple: pale words on dark background. The archive link works well on the home page, but something goes wrong when you try to access another archived page from an archived page. I like the little twist on the links: Abby assigns descriptive emotions and adjectives to links that range from
“unbelievable” to “intense”, and asks you to pick: “today you are…”.

Neurotica is a nice little blog about a nice girl’s nice life, and it makes a fair read, but more information about the blog owner would make things clearer.
