Review 1840

The word bumptious has me a bit curious, as I had no idea if it were a real word or not. The author of this weblog quickly satisfied my curiosity with this explanation: “The dictionary defines bumptious as ‘crudely or loudly assertive; pushy’. Let’s get to it.” And now let’s get to the review.

Right away, I knew I’d like the attitude of this site. The author’s entries cover the hottest current events around recently ranging from the controversial couple of “Bill and Kathy”, the potential parents incapable of producing naturally so they’re deeming it necessary clone the lovely Kathy, to the escapades on the latest make-me-famous TV show, American Idol.

Other than the author’s undying love for L.A. Laker big man Rick Fox and secret (or not so secret) obsession with Matt Lauer, readers aren’t really invited into the personal life of this entertaining writer. The lack of personable writing is made up to everyone by the author’s witty repartee and intelligent banter directed towards the major happenings of our society.

Something I would normally be disappointed in is the lack of the “about the author” section. And while there’s no information for readers to try and connect with, I don’t think anyone will have a problem connecting with something that’s been posted over the course of the month or so this weblog has been up and running.

The design is one of those standard Blogger templates. I would love to see something a little more unique for this site just because my opinion of the Bumptious is that it’s much, much more than the average weblog and deserves the same in a layout.

Call it your daily news with a bite, or call it some pent up aggression spilled out onto the world wide web. Whatever you decide to call it, this site comes highly recommended if you’re asking my opinion of it.
