Review 1765

Scott and Ellen are the folks in charge here, the masterminds behind this whole site, if you will. They’re a happily (from the looks and sounds of it) married couple who find solace and some type of entertainment value in posting their thoughts and meanderings to the world wide web via

Between the two of them, they post with both quality and quantity, a feat not achieved by many weblogs. And their posts compliment each other so nicely. The slight banter that may happen to go back and forth between the two in their posting doesn’t reflect that of a feuding family, but more of an entertaining and casual repartee that adds humor to the posts.

The site design is the classic three column layout, but it certainly works in both a functional and appealing manner for this site. There’s tons of information – link, pictures, contests, recommendations, etc – that fill both side columns.

Not only are the archives set up in a monthly category, but also by the different subject matter at hand, ranging anywhere from Naughty Bits to NASA Follies and from Science Fiction to, of course, cats. Just from glancing at the variety of topics, you can instantly tell there will be something to grab your interest while visiting this site. I really like how each entry has an icon that corresponds with the archiving category that the entry falls into.

Reading through the archives, I got to follow along with Ellen and her new found passion/obsession of belly dancing and her adoration of cats. And I got the chance to read Scott’s long-winded (but insightful!) tales, thoughts, and personal essays regarding a great deal of various things.

Digging into the highlights that Scott and Ellen have distinguished in the upper left hand corner of the site, I read quite the assortment of entries. The humor in the story of how Scott made it through math in school (mightily scary, I might add) contrasts so much from his very perceptive essays on the situation going on in middle eastern countries.

This is a really great site. It’s hard to categorize the type of weblog this is. Perhaps it’s a personal site, since some of it is the happenings that go on in Scott and Ellen’s life. Or perhaps it’s a news/links type of site with all of the links that the tag-team authors provide. One specific reader’s ideas of what this site is mainly about will probably greatly differ from the next reader, but both will be pleasantly surprised at the huge amount of great content they’ll find at this site. There’s not a single thing about the site I didn’t like.AMCGLTD.COM