Review 1628

Since unfoldedorigami scored a 5.0 with the last reviewer, I was surprised that Kevin Hale submitted his site for a re-review. But I suppose it’s because he moved from Diaryland.

I feel a need to gush here. I love the layout. I love the grays and blues and the thick black frame and the unfolded origami (Actually it looks folded to me. It looks like a child’s party hat meant to look like a jester’s crown.) Everything looks professional and thoughtfully designed.

There’s plenty of content; a delightful mix of thought-provoking entries and the occasional senseless, exasperated complaint. On the whole, I found the entries engaging, though the excessive dramatic melancholiness in certain entries turns me off somewhat.

Plenty of ‘cool’ features here, among them a search engine for readers to sift through his archived entries. unfoldedorigami has obviously been through evolutions – nothing can be this near-perfect on first try. I am suitably impressed. A tiny complain: the dates of entries are not displayed in the archives page. Other than that, a brief biography would be nice, and would pull the reader’s interest in reading about his life.

All in all, unfoldedorigami is a mature site with plenty to offer. Well worth a visit.