Review 1368

Prepare yourself. You type into your browser’s address field, and you get hit with a yellow screen, a flash intro, and some type of funky techno music. Sounds like it could be a real mess, doesn’t it? This freak pulled it off with style. Even after listening to the music at least a dozen times, I didn’t get tired of it.

Once you move past the flash intro and into the main part of the site, you’ll notice that Steve, the freak behind the scenes of, has put together quite a large website. There is a navigation menu just barely peeking out of the left side of your computer screen, but I found the text menu along the bottom side of the site much more helpful and less cumbersome.

Steve’s weblog has the subtitle “about as good as refried beans”. Depending on your opinion of refried beans, you may or may not deem that an accurate description. The weblog is relatively new (since June 2002), and is updated perhaps every other day. Most if the information that’s posted in the weblog pertains to Steve’s personal life. And since this is clearly a personal weblog, the writing substance fills in nicely.

My first and only thought of improvement would be to be able to read more from Steve on a more consistent basis. However, time constraints play parts in everyone’s lives, and I’ll be content to just read Steve’s weblog when he can and does grace us with his entries.

As I mentioned before, this site is very thorough and extensive. Each section of the site, whether it be the about section, the poetry section, or even my personal favorite – the thoughts section, is very well written and pulls you even figuratively closer to this weblog owner.

Check out this weblog. Why? Because according to Steve, “resistance is futile”.