Review 1329

“James Wages Web Design Page” is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a page about web designing and less like a weblog.

For a site that’s about web designing, I would have expected the site itself to be laid out a bit better than it is. I have quite a bit to say about the layout itself such as the color scheme and various usage of fonts, however it’s not really my job to critique the layout.

From what I understand is this is supposed to be a blog about web tips for web designing. But there isn’t much to read except for 5 posts which range from the topics of the width of a page, to keeping your HTML files small to frames

I guess this is a useful site for someone looking, or already familiar with web designing, but over all, I didn’t like it. I think it should be reviewed in a few months, or at least the site should be updated more than just once a month.

James Wages Web Design Page