Review 1301

2012: Science News is a blog containing news and links related to “Space, Evolution, Archaeology & Cataclysms.” Created and maintained by Robert Blast, 2012: Science News offers snippets of news and journal articles about astronomical, anthropological, geological, and political issues that address the theme of cataclysmic change, particularly that which has been predicated by the Mayans for 2012.

The majority of entries consist of links to online content from various science and media outlets. Occasionally, there are photos or illustrations. Nearly every entry includes commentary so the user has a frame of reference related to the blog’s theme, although there’s no real sense of the maintainer’s position or personality. Given the content of the blog itself and the lack of personal detail, it’s obvious that 2012: Science News is meant to be a digest of links, not a personal blog, and as such, the tone and intent toward the reading audience changes.

A subsidiary domain that focuses on open-source development of a blogging maintenance tool called antville, 2012: Science News offers a design that is simple and straightforward, emphasizing a lower-resolution layout and utilizing a grayscale color scheme with a splash of color here and there to emphasize links or entry titles. Users can comment on blog entries, although they must first register with 2012: Science News.2012