Review 1253

“JadedJu: Delectable, but deadly” … or so that’s what the subtitle says on JadedJu.

I was instantly sucked into this site and continuously entertained by the tales of Ms. JadedJu. Her little tales of woes and takes on those in the blogging and real world were fun to read.

As I read through the archives, I found that I was able to get a sense of who she was through her writing by what she shared. She wrote about her family and friends and things going on around the Bay Area of California. Her funny sense of humor and cynical view on things made me want to read more. She never seems like she holds back about what she’s thinking.

The layout’s okay, didn’t blow me away, but it’s fine. She has a list of links on the side bar along with a profile of sorts near the bottom of the column.

Overall, this is a pretty good site, a definite must read!JadedJu