Review 1114

What is an asiliat exactly? Hmmm….sounds a lot like a well developed bowel complex I think. Could it be a religion? A book club? An elite group of stamp collectors? Highly classified gardeners who mow government lawns perhaps? Should someone be proud of being asiliat or should their actions be frowned upon in today’s society? What happens if you’re non-asiliat? Was Elvis asiliat?

Well I don’t know, there isn’t any such definition of the word on the website. But whatever it is, being asiliat doesn’t sound too bad because this blog is brilliant. Don’t let all the cute cartoons on the main page fool you into thinking this will be a cute blog by some 16 year old girl because under all that is a hilarious guy who goes by the name of LoSir.

Enter into the world of LoSir where stories about work are plenty and motorbikes are mentioned often too. This I think is one of the most enjoyable blogs I’ve read in a while. The author comes across as a down to earth person with lots of real life(“RL” as LoSir refers to it) issues just like everyone else. You can’t help but sympathise with the guy as he writes lines like “More than once have I picked up a piece of clothing, admired it, only to have a friend or worse, the sales, lean over and tell me ‘It’s for girls.’” and “I’ve been crazy before, but I’m a little girlie-man when it comes to rain.” Just what the world needs for sure, another feminine man.

However, the black-grey-white motif of the site is nothing close to womanly. The site works best in IE which means those who use other browsers like for example Opera will have to switch browsers to view this site in it’s full glory. I’d also like to suggest to invest in a commenting/guestbook contraption of some sort so people can provide some feedback. The design is simple and boxy, lacking the finesse the actual blog has mastered, but I think content definitely overrides any quibbles about the appearance here.

While you’re there you should take the time to check out the other sections of the site containing pictures complete with commentary of LoSir at parties, baby pictures and pictures of cars and motorbikes.

So I liked it, I thought it was very entertaining and I’d definitely go visit it again.
being asiliat