Review 1005

Ben Domenech Online is the kind of site I surf the web for: it has information, entertainment, and an interesting perspective. It is a regular on my surf list and I highly recommend you check it out.

Ben is a bit of a “young Turk” on the web. Despite being a college student at William and Mary, Ben manages to write articles for a variety of web publications ranging from the National Review to Boundless and the New York Press. What is interesting about Ben’s writing is the wide range of subjects encountered. He deals with politics (Ben is very knowledgeable about politics, from local Virginia issues to national policy debates), religion and faith, culture, sports, comics, online journalism, technology, and whatever else interests him. This is not just some “wunderkind” playing journalist but an interesting and sharp mind raising and discussing issues. He comes at most issues from a conservative perspective but is not easy to pigeonhole. He is not one simply to let off steam with a stream of invective or to use ad hominum attacks to justify his position. When he raises serious issues he takes them seriously. He does, however, often simply note good material and where to find it. This is a classic blog: useful links with enough personal comments and opinion to give it a unique flavor and perspective.

The site has many of the common side links which list Ben’s bio, published articles, etc. But an indication that Ben is above average is the link “procrastinate.” This link will allow you to play the classic arcade game Asteroids – or UFO attack if you prefer which may not raise your productivity but is a heck of a lot of fun when work or school seems unattractive. Ben also has a long list of other great blogs humorously categorized by movie titles. He also provides a good list of online media sources for reference. The site design is clean and readable and all of the links function properly (although the “journal” link seems stale).

In summary, if you are interested in popular culture, current events, politics, etc. or just enjoy a fresh perspective from a young but intelligent writer check out Ben Domemech online.Ben Domenech Online