Review 251

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. First impressions of a website count for a lot, especially when you’re reviewing them. So what impression did I get of this site when I first arrived?

1. It takes forever to download, and even when it does you’re left wondering what it was that took so long to come down.

2. The design is simple and, in web terms, old fashioned. Simple can be good, but it isn’t here.

3. The filename (though I could be wrong here) does not fill me with confidence as to this site’s longevity: blogexperiment.html. So how long before an experiment has run it’s course?

The colour scheme is almost interesting. The logo and navigation links, all plain text, seem to carry a colour gradient across them. This effect is done subtly and looks quite good, though I don’t know how practical it is. A stronger, site-level colour scheme would have been more effective.

It took about three attempts at loading the page before I actually saw any content (it seems that a small gif file didn’t want to leave home). The posts, though filled with enthusiasm, left me dry and didn’t particularly make me want to read on.

This site isn’t without its problems, but it might be worth a visit if you’re particularly curious.cloudblog