Review 247

It pains me to say it, but sex and sunshine looks nothing like its real-world counterparts. It is ugly.

The yellow and purple colour scheme is abhorrent, and the layout does little to aid this. I would certainly advise that the designer do a little more research into colour theory in web design.

All of this is a shame, really, because this is a fine, well written blog that is consistently entertaining and enjoyable. The main topic of the site is music, although there is enough off-topic material to keep the casual reader interested.

So why have I only given this site a 2.5 rating, when surely the content is the most important part of any site? Well, a webpage is not a book. A book is only really words (in most cases), but to make a good webpage is far removed from writing a good book. Looks are important.

If you can stomach the appearance, by all means visit this site and read some very good posts. sex and sunshine