Review 226

The LA Examiner, an online newspaper of sorts for the Los Angeles area, suffers from two important problems.

Firstly, the design is too bland. Black and white is only a legitimate choice if it works (obviously enough) and here it doesn’t. This site needs an injection of colour to make it a little more readable.

Secondly, and this isn’t helped at all by the design, is the problem of information overload. There’s simply far too much on the front page. The blog, though fascinating and full of great articles, is too long for the front page alone to hold. There are also simply too many links running down either side of the content that distract attention away from the content.

This is a shame. The excellent news coverage offered by the site is let down by some ineffective design. If the links had been moved elsewhere, the posts trimmed down, and a more imaginative colour scheme used, this site would be fantastic for anyone interested in events around LA. After all, no-one thinks of LA as monochromatic. Or at least a smog-colour scheme should be used instead.LA Examiner