Review 14

This has to be the best original and cleanest design I have seen for a weblog page. Right away I was sucked in to the page just by the looks of it. I started reading and the author really puts just as much time into the posts as he did the design. The scrapbook at the right side is totally unique and I really enjoyed going through some of them. Weblog Wannabe said that I must always find something good about a site. Well here is a site that I cannot find anything wrong with. This is a definate keeper site and a daily read.I am generic

Review 13

For a weblog that is basically made of all links, this guys has a really good site. He finds some of the best links out there and posts just a small comment about each one making it that much more enjoyable. Not much more to the site other than links to other sites.Off on a tangent

Review 12

This site at first to me looked very busy. The colors were different and the cursor being changed was weird. But then I started to play with the site some more. Links weren’t just changing from blue to red or being underlined, but phasing from one color to the next. Lots of dhtml/css stuff going on too. An image of a bat or angel, if you pick heaven or hell as your location, that you can move around the page. Lots of very cool tricks, old with new that I have yet to see. As far as the content goes, he doesn’t say much about him, but rather other sites and just basics. The site is so interactive, however that it almost takes away from the weblog, or is trying to make up for something with the weblog. Still a good read, and a fun site to play/look at.Tj

Review 11

Wow. I really liked the design of this site. Something about it just struck me as being really well done. Started reading and the author just recently started posting again. She likes to talk about the links people have sent her and some stuff about her life. It amazes me what some people will actually post on their journal for tons of people to read. Especially ones that are close to you. Good reading and good links.I know the pieces fit

Review 10

Here was a site that struck me as what could this be about. The link that I found for it was just 6 Girls, 1 blog. And keep in mind the url is I wasn’t quiet sure what I was getting into. Of course, however I was dead wrong on what this was really about. First thing I noticed is that the 6 girls, are all under the age of 15! Yikes from my first thoughts of what it would be like. So the site itself looks good and I got to reading entry after entry after entry. Even if they didn’t post the fact they were under the age of 15, it is very apparent. Lets quote one of the posts shall we, “I’m so bored too. I’m obsessed /w this guy though and can’t get him out of my head. His cute eyes, his smile, the little mole by his eye. -sigh- Someone help.” Only thing I can take from this site is what I have to look foward to if/when I have kids that young.6 Girls, 1 Blog